technical Experts
Technology Integration
Our tech experts manage all aspects of technology integration, able to leverage everything from back-end platforms to front-end UX ... and everything in between.
Brandon Wernli is an experienced technology consultant with expertise in guiding event tech stacks, including registration, mobile, BI tools, analytics, integrations, beacon, RFID, attendee journeys, Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, wayfinding, proximity-based messaging/personalization, and lead generation. Brandon has been involved with overseeing the event technology strategy and deployment for Cisco global customer conferences as well as Google Next, DocuSign, LinkedIn, McKesson, and Intuit.
Cisco Live
Brought on to assist with Cisco’s energetic conference, “Word of Solutions”, Brandon developed a custom solution that personalized directions to each attendee by leveraging Augmented Reality and Cisco’s CMX wayfinding technology. As conference attendees came to a city crossroads within the “World of Solutions” environment, they were met with blank city signs that turned into personalized recommendations and visuals as soon as they held up their phones. This technology led attendees to demos, sessions, and other activities that aligned with their interests. With a 14,000-person adoption rate and a Silver award from EventTech, Brandon’s solutions were a success.
Brandon Wernli - BW Events
Case Study

Brandon Wernli - BW Events